what is Quietus Ltd
Quietus Ltd is not a single person but collective of individuals committed to resolving your spiritual/energetic issues.
Quietus Ltd is cohesive collective of professionals from different modalities.
The goal of Quietus Ltd is to provide specialized energetic services to the corporate and business sectors and the global light worker community.
When contacting Quietus LTD, you will find professional, compassionate, ethical and confidential assistance provided by the member(s) who are the most suited to address your needs.
We will find a way, or We will make one."
- The Philosophy of Quietus ltd
There are few who would dare stand upon the precipice and stare into the Abyss, for the Abyss stares back. Fewer still would stare and observe the shadows and what lurks there it to benefit and safe guard others.
Enter the founding members of Quietus Ltd. They chose to stand in harms way, to know the face and the ways of the darkness to better stop its uninvited encroachment. Since those first days, Quietus Ltd has become a vital resource for those who are experiencing "Worst Case Scenarios", where other attempts at resolution have failed or made the situation worse.
For this reason, some call the members of Quietus Ltd "energetic bouncers" or "Spiritual Special Forces", others refer to them as the "Metaphysical Men in Black."