Bespoke Services

    What makes you different than others is not just your drive and dedication. Over time you have learned to trust your gut. By letting your finely honed instincts and intuition in reading people and situations guide be your trusted guides, you have risen to your current position.

    But try as you might, there are certain times, places or people that throw you off your game.  You feel off kilter during an important meeting or you are unreasonably uncomfortable in a place that you must be in for continued success.  But you push on, despite headaches, nausea or fatigue.

    This is one of the drawbacks to possessing your finely tuned senses.  You have become hyper aware of your environment. All of the subtle clues ignored by most can become as overwhelming as all the lights on the Las Vegas strip to you.

how to keep your senses Sharp and Dial down the background clutter of information?

Simple, delegate it to the professionals.  

Quietus Ltd has developed various proprietary techniques to alter and adjust any given space to the benefit of its Executive level clients. No bells, no whistles, no gongs or drums. Just discrete, efficient and effective processes run by them, to keep you operating at your maximum efficiency.

In the eastern model of thinking, there is no separation between tangible and intangible, physical and spiritual.  This applies to the business world as well. Despite a long standing ban by the Communist government, experts in a geomancy known as Feng Shui are employed to determine everything from favorable business partnerships, to auspicious building sites, how to arrange the furniture in an office to promote harmony and productivity and even to ward off evil spirits.  The demand has increased so much that practitioners are now offering their services online and creating computer software to fill the need.

When all other western methods have been tried with less than spectacular results, it may be time to try a more holistic approach.  But due to the fundamental difference in philosophy simply applying the practices of the east to a western business plan can create more issues than it resolves.  Think of the incapability between standard and metric tools. Both work great to do the job they were designed to do. However trying to remove a metric nut with a standard wrench can cause frustration and even damage to the nut.

To mitigate the inherent incompatibility, Quietus Ltd offers services designed to produce the same optimizing effects on business that those in the east employ, but  are designed specifically to compliment and enhance the Western Conscious Business model and philosophy.

Brief Overview of the Process

Assessment - After retaining their services, a detailed Energetic Needs/Threat Assessment is conducted which can be done via email, phone or in person.

First, this survey will look at the various physical realities of the business such as type of business, geographic location, shared walls, power lines, etc.

Second, the survey will cover the energetic realities of the business, employee morale and turn over rates, the energies of the customers, etc.

Third, the survey will gain information on the specific direction and goals of the company both tangible and intangible such as higher profits, increased morale or transition of existing culture.  

The Work - After your needs are assessed, Quietus Ltd will work with you to create a plan to attract the desired results.

Through the use of proprietary methods customized for each client, the existing energies of a site, building(s) or space can be manipulated to be more in keeping with the needs and goals of you and your business.

services available to support your business:

  • Site assessment done for current or future places of business focusing on energetic disposition and needs analysis to assist in attaining company goals.

  • Cleansing buildings or sites of negative energies created by recent work place hostility, on the job injuries or slumping morale.

  • Cleansing buildings or sites of negative energies created by past traumas during construction or renovation, previous tenants,as well as much older disturbances before there were any buildings.

  • Removal/mitigation of negativity created by unsatisfied customers visiting or calling the place of business.

  • Clearing and elevating the collective consciousness of all current employees to facilitate company wide change and growth, increased morale, higher employee retention rate and increased productivity.

  • Creation of Energetic "Safe Havens" which mitigate the negativity of anyone who enters the space.  These havens are energy neutral environments where minds can meet more harmoniously and with greater efficiency.

  • Culture/Energetic Environment Modification- facilitates the self removal of those individuals that do not serve the specified ideals of the space.  (A gentle "nudge " that encourages undesirable/problematic individuals to find a new, more comfortable place to be.)

  • Harmful and negative entity removal.

  • Energetic Cleansing of Offices, Hotels, Boardrooms and Off-Site Conferences.

  • Energetic Cleansing, Balancing and Shielding of your personal energetic fields to reduce stress and fatigue while keeping you focused and operating at peak efficiency.

EXECUTIVE Energetic Services are available locally and globally 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Due to the bespoke nature of services, a limited number of clients Are accepted. Please contact Quietus Ltd for current availability.